Tree Risk Assessment

You have heard us talk about scheduling a Tree Risk Assessment, but do you know what it really means? A tree risk assessment is an evaluation of a tree to determine the risk of it causing a safety issue to your or a neighboring property.

During a Tree Risk Assessment, our team will assess a variety of factors to determine the health and risk factors that a tree may cause.

Things we look for:

  • Condition of the soil

  • Distance of structures from a tree

  • Wind exposure

  • Overall health of the tree

Browning Tree Service Corp is certified to systematically identify and assess tree risk through our ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). The TRAQ program sets standards, systematic processes for assessing tree risk and providing information to tree owners and risk managers for making informed decisions that will promote the safety of people and property, as well as enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.

During certain circumstances when all other options have been exhausted, trees may need to be removed. Major storms can sometimes cause trees to lose their strength and collapse or fall, making tree removal vital. We have the staff and equipment to safely accomplish these tasks.

Browning Tree Service employs Joshua Browning ISA certified arborist license #KY-9849A who is a proud member of Indiana Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture, serving the West Lafayette and Lafayette, Indiana area!

Are you ready to schedule a Tree Risk Assessment? Call the office to discuss pricing and further information. 765-428-0589
