The leaves are fallin' and it's the ideal time to prune!

The days are getting shorter, the breeze is getting crisp and we're all pulling out our favorite flannels. We're all looking forward to family adventures to the local orchard and pumpkin patches, but don't forget to schedule some time to prepare your trees for winter, too!

As the leaves fall, it becomes easier to see the structure of the tree, thus, making autumn a great time to prune. However, pruning is not simply trimming a little here and a little there from your trees. "Proper pruning technique and timing are critical to long-term tree health. The most important principle to remember is that each cut has the potential to change the tree considerably. Pruning trees should not be a common practice used to force them into aesthetic constraints or spaces."

Before you prepare to prune your trees, remember these basic concepts:

  • Each cut has the potential to change the tree forever.

  • Removal of branches and limbs affects the tree’s ability to gather sunlight for food production.

  • Large limb removal can impact form and geometry, affecting stability.

  • Inconsiderate removal of branches can leave the tree susceptible to decline.

Pruning is often a necessity, but it can be devastating if done incorrectly. The best advice for any tree maintenance, including pruning, is to never let the situation exceed your skills. If you aren't sure how your trees should be pruned, please contact our team.

Browning Tree Service employs Joshua Browning ISA certified arborist license #KY-9849A who is a proud member of Indiana Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture, serving the West Lafayette and Lafayette, Indiana area!
